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Meet Rebekah in New York

Meet Rebekah in New York

"I couldn’t recommend doing a program abroad enough. As I’ve said before, it has really helped me to grow and develop personally". Read Rebecca's full experience here.

Why did you choose to go abroad? 
I decided to move abroad because I wanted to experience a different way of life. I think travelling and living somewhere different really helps you grow as a person. I had just graduated the year before so I also really wanted to challenge myself by training in my industry but in a different country.
How does the US culture differ from your culture and what has impressed you most so far? 
The U.S. is actually relatively similar to back home in Ireland in terms of culture. One thing that has impressed me though is I’m never bored. I’m living in New York City so there’s always something to do on days off or weekends or after work.
3. Could you take us for a day? What are your routines? 
My normal day-to-day starts with me getting up and heading to my nearest subway station then commuting into Manhattan. I’ll then stop by Pret for a coffee and arrive at the office around 9:30 am. My day-to-day work life varies a lot - some days I’ll have meetings, and other days I’ll be researching social media trends and influencers and creating content myself. I love how every day is different, it makes me feel like I’m getting lots of experience in different areas of my industry.

4. How has this experience abroad helped you grow personally?
I definitely have become more confident, not just as a person, but as a professional in my industry. It has also enabled me to meet lots of people and make friends from other cultures which has been great.
5. Why would you recommend others to do a program abroad? 
I couldn’t recommend doing a program abroad enough. As I’ve said before, it has really helped me to grow and develop personally, it’s enabled me to meet new people and make friends from people all over the world, and it’s an invaluable learning experience professionally.
6. If you could express your experience in three words, what would they be? 
Fun, thrilling, exciting.